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Thursday, December 19, 2013

7 Winter Hair Care Tips

Along with all the beautiful snow and holidays being right around the corner here comes the freezing cold ! The cold brings out the crazy dry hair that is not cute in my book. So I have come up with a few tips to help retain your moisture and you can still have cute hair.

1. Deep Condition

Use a good moisturizing conditioner, at the moment I'm using TRESemme' Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner or you can do a hot oil treatment if you like.

2. Leave In Conditioner

They are your best friend even during the summer months!

3. Co Wash

This is washing your hair with only conditioner & not shampoo.  It helps you retain moisture with out stripping your hair of its natural oils.

4. Make sure you seal them ends!

Make sure to moisturize your hair and seal the ends. This can be done with a good moisturizer and then sealing the ends with a oil like coconut oil.

5.  Styling your hair with accessories

These can include beanies, scarves, and other wraps. They protect your hair from the cold and harsh winter weather, but make sure you wear a satin bonnet or scarf to prevent snagging of your hair.

6. Using less Heat

Try not to blow dry or flat iron during the cold months when your hair is already dry and brittle.


Your body & Hair loves H20 !

Hope these tips help ! Happy Holidays !!

Love & Blessings My Beautiful Individuals !!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mini Twist

Hey Gals!

So as we all know its starting to get chillie out and were moving into our winter months. Yay Thanksgiving food is near ! Let me stop rambling and get into a favorite protective style of mines which are  MINI TWIST! I love these twist because they are easy to manage and can be kept in your hair for long periods of time. The only down fall of these super cute twist are they can be very time consuming when putting them into your hair, it took me seven hours with a few minor breaks. I am now going into my third week of having them in my hair, after this week I do plan on taking them out and washing my hair.

The process of putting them in:

I started on a stretched twist out that I had been rocking for a week. I parted my hair into four sections and with each section I lightly sprayed my hair down with a mixture of natural oils and water and then adding my homemade whipped shea butter. I then detangled my hair with my Denmen brush. After detangling I parted my hair in smaller sections and begain to twist. I followed the same steps for every section and until my whole head was completed.

Mantaining my mini twist:

As far as sleeping goes everynight I cover my hair with my satin bonet. Every other morning I spray my hair with oil & water mixture. I then add a little bit of my homemade whipped shea butter to my hair to ensure my hair is kept mositurized.

Mini twist is a very low mainatence style and is very ideal for these cold months that are here to stay for a while! They are a great protective style. Hope you guys try these out and have fun with them there are mulitple styles you can create with these mini twist.

Love & Blessings my beautiful individuals !

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Goals, Goals, Goals!!

Okay so I have been very busy and find that when I do have time to relax I'm all in the TV. Dont judge me! The real reason I'm blogging today is because I have found that I am gaining tons of weight and I know it can't be healthy for my hair and body so with out farther or due I am going to start working on a work out plan and cutting back on food. Meaning I will be eating smaller portions, more fruit, drinking lots of water, and exercising more. I plan starting out with doing 30 mintue work outs five times a week. This workout will include bikcyling for 20 mintues and abs for the other 10. I will switch up my workout routines, I will tackle some of my Donna Richardson tapes. I will of course slowly but surely cut out my junk food eating, I am not one to go cold turkey! Oh yea and I promise to start blogging once a week. I need to step my game up! 

So I know this is probably a bad time to start being all strict with Thanksgiving and Christmas food right around the corner but you have to start some where! 

Praying that I can stick to these goals because I do want a healthy life style & beautiful hair!

Good luck to anyone who also has their mind set on some difficult task of their own! 

Love & Blessings My Beautiful Individuals! 

New Product!

Okay now this is what I'm talking about!!! I absolutely love this Eden Body Works All Natural Curl Defining Creme! Yes Yes Yes this is the product I've been waiting for. It gave me curls for days, I didn't have to retwist my hair for seven days. The product smells great & it's apart of their coconut Shea line. It didn't leave my hair to greasy, hard,or crunchy. The product does have a hold because it kept my hair in good shape. This will definitely be one of my top favs!

You guys should try this out & let me know what you think!
Love & Blessings My Beautiful Individuals !!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Homemade Greek Yogurt Deep Conditioner

Hey There!
So I decided to try this Homemade Greek Yogurt Deep Conidtioner and I will tell you right now it's good but it's not one of my favorites !
This are the ingredients :
2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinger
10 drops Lavender Oil
3 spoon fulls of Yogurt

I found out about this deep conditioner from watching a YouTube video by one of my favorite naturals Naptural85. I wanted to see if it would really do the job on detangling my hair. Which of course I had trouble doing and I felt like my regular conditioner does a better job.
I'm trying to say it is a good deep conditioner because I also didn't use Greek yogurt, I decided to use the last of my nonfat yogurt I had in my refrigerator. Using Greek yogurt could possible make a difference in my detangling process.
Ladies if you decide to try this make sure you don't get the product on your scalp. You only need to go half way up the hair shaft because if you get it in your scalp it will be hard to getting rid of the smell.
Okay now the good thing about this deep conditioner is it leaves your hair feeling soft and moisturized.

With all that being said don't be afraid to ask me questions!
Let me know if you try it and how it works for you!

Love & Blessings My Beautiful Individuals!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Homemade Deep Conditioner

Homemade Deep Conditioner!

Throughout my natural hair journey I have learned that deep conditioning is very important for the health of your hair. I have also tried multiple homemade deep conditioners from other girls who are natural and have YouTube videos. If you haven't noticed by now, YouTube videos are my go to when I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be doing with my hair or if I want a new look. I have found that this homemade deep conditioner I made made my hair feel soft and moisturized.

The ingredients I used in my homemade deep conditioner:

1tbsp Honey
1/2 cup Mayo
1/2 cup TRESemme Naturals Conditioner
6 drops Rosemary Oil
6 drops Lavender Oil
3 drops Sweet Basil Oil
3 drops Ylang Ylang Oil
1 tbsp Coconut Oil

The reasons why I used these ingredients:

The honey helps with the shine of your hair. Coconut oil helps to promote hair growth, moisture, and prevents breakage. Most people love coconut oil because its a light oil and keeps your hair moisturized. I use rosemary oil because its great for hair growth, preventing dandruff, and shine. Lavender is used for the scent, promoting hair growth, and its also used to heal scalp infections. Ylang Ylang is used for hair growth. Sweet Basil is used to open up the follicles to increase hair growth and to strengthen the hair. TRESemme Naturals conditioner is used because it is silicone-free unlike other conditioners, plus it smells great! Last thing used is mayo because it is full of vitamin E and protein.

I hope all of this information helps. Try my homemade deep conditioner out and let me know what you think.

Love & Blessings My Beautiful Individuals !

Friday, August 16, 2013

Big Chop Issues

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
" How do you do it ?" " I can't do the natural!" "I can't and wont do the Big chop!"
Let me tell you I  struggled with the idea of getting my hair chopped of at the beginning, because I just could see myself with a fade. I was dealing with myself because I would tell myself you are beautiful and confident, but when it came to my hair being gone I was like wait a minute how are you tripping of something so meaningless and your suppose to be so beautiful and confident ! I also had a few people in my ear at the time like "why are you going to cut your hair?" The facial expressions I would get were crazy ! The good thing was I got inspiration from my older sister who has been going natural for a while, family members who were like "Go for it, I know you will be able to pull it off".
The most imporant thing is that you are confortable in your own skin. You need to love yourself and not care what anyone thinks. Believe me it may take some time to get use to such a big change, that's why they call it the "Big Chop". If having trouble and you need some encouragment it would be in your best interest to seek out other girls who are natural, check out youtube videos. Its also good to check out all the different natural hair products they have in stores and/or online.

I'm going to rap this up, but ladies please understand and know that you are beautiful and always will be beautiful. Your hair does not define who you are !!

Love & Blessing my Beautiful Individuals!