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Friday, August 16, 2013

Big Chop Issues

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
" How do you do it ?" " I can't do the natural!" "I can't and wont do the Big chop!"
Let me tell you I  struggled with the idea of getting my hair chopped of at the beginning, because I just could see myself with a fade. I was dealing with myself because I would tell myself you are beautiful and confident, but when it came to my hair being gone I was like wait a minute how are you tripping of something so meaningless and your suppose to be so beautiful and confident ! I also had a few people in my ear at the time like "why are you going to cut your hair?" The facial expressions I would get were crazy ! The good thing was I got inspiration from my older sister who has been going natural for a while, family members who were like "Go for it, I know you will be able to pull it off".
The most imporant thing is that you are confortable in your own skin. You need to love yourself and not care what anyone thinks. Believe me it may take some time to get use to such a big change, that's why they call it the "Big Chop". If having trouble and you need some encouragment it would be in your best interest to seek out other girls who are natural, check out youtube videos. Its also good to check out all the different natural hair products they have in stores and/or online.

I'm going to rap this up, but ladies please understand and know that you are beautiful and always will be beautiful. Your hair does not define who you are !!

Love & Blessing my Beautiful Individuals!